When an individual is struggling to function at his or her best, an assessment can be an essential tool. Dr. Bernou provides neuropsychological and psychological evaluations for children ages 6 and up, adolescents, and adults. Her work begins with a thorough assessment process that culminates in a written report and in-person consultation, offering diagnoses, recommendations, and referrals.
An Assessment Can...
- Identify strengths and weaknesses
- Identify diagnoses or underlying causes
- Determine appropriate treatment
- Determine appropriate support and services
- Assist in making school placement decisions
- Assist in making the case for academic accommodations as required by law
After the assessment, Dr. Bernou continues to serve as a consultant and referral resource to her clients. Follow-up services have included communicating with service providers (e.g., speech and occupational therapists, teachers, and psychiatrists); attending IEP meetings; and providing expert testimony.
Known for her passion for and commitment to wholistic therapeutic care, Dr. Bernou has assisted hundreds of clients through the course of their academic, emotional, behavioral, and physical development.